Thursday, December 7, 2006

Voice Operated Christmas Tree

What do techies hate more than anything about Christmas trees? Yes, groveling under them on hands and knees to turn on the lights. Problem solved with the Intela Voice-Operated Christmas Tree Control. Plug your lights into the Intela plug the Intela into the wall socket and train (you heard me, train) the Intela to respond to any short command that will activate the lights on the tree. "A simple voice command like "lights" or "Merry Christmas" turns the tree or other holiday lights on and off." It would even be possible to train it to respond to an audio-animatronics parrot or other artificial voice, say a dismembered R2D2 head. Just speculating. You would have to train it to respond to a reasonably rare word, however, with no common homonyms or else grow accustomed to a very blinky Christmas. The Intela goes for $14.99, reduced from $19.95 from Solutions. Operates in any language.

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